Prignitz mikrosystemtechnik wittenberge

About us - PRIGNITZ Mikrosystemtechnik

Prignitz Mikrosystemtechnik patentiert neue Technologie Prignitz Mikrosystemtechnik develops, manufactures, and sells pressure sensors, temperature transmitters, and level probes with very high added value “from chip to calibrated transmitter”. We have a sales and service network covering more than 40 countries.

Wittenberge - Prignitz Mikrosystemtechnik PRIGNITZ Mikrosystemtechnik GmbH. Margarethenstraße 61 Wittenberge Germany. Telefon: +49 (0) 38 77 / 5 67 Sales: +49 (0) 38 77 / 5 67 Fax: +49 (0) 38 77 / 5 67 Mail: info_h2@

Start - PRIGNITZ Mikrosystemtechnik PRIGNITZ Mikrosystemtechnik was founded in in Wittenberge on the Elbe. Historically, we develop and produce analog and digital pressure transmitters, pressure switches for relative pressure, absolute pressure and differential pressure as well as temperature transmitters and level probes for level measurement.
Contact - PRIGNITZ Mikrosystemtechnik Die PRIGNITZ Mikrosystemtechnik wurde im Jahr in Wittenberge an der Elbe gegründet. Historisch entwickeln und produzieren wir analoge und digitale Drucktransmitter, Druckschalter für Relativdruck, Absolutdruck und Differenzdruck sowie Temperaturmessumformer und Pegelsonden zur Füllstandmessung. Die Messgrößen Feuchte, Taupunkt und pH.

prignitz mikrosystemtechnik wittenberge

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About us - PRIGNITZ Mikrosystemtechnik Prignitz Mikrosystemtechnik GmbH Company Profile | Wittenberge, Brandenburg, Germany | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & Bradstreet. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Prignitz Mikrosystemtechnik GmbH of Wittenberge, Brandenburg.

Prignitz mikrosystemtechnik wittenberge4

In Wittenberge, in March , the brothers Dietmar and Hans-Jürgen Arndt founded the small company. It all started with the production of cables, printed circuit boards, and low-pressure sensors. And four employees. However, already in , the company began to develop and produce serial and individual solutions for measuring technology.

Prignitz mikrosystemtechnik wittenberge3 Sensors from Prignitz Mikrosystemtechnik are unique in the Hydrogen market for their ruggedness. Wittenberge Germany. Telefon: +49 (0) 38 77 / 5 67